Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

31 deaths and more than 200 already missing in violent fires in northern California

  • The "Camp Fire" fire, which has ravaged 45,000 hectares and 6,450 homes in the San Francisco area, has caused at least 29 deaths, has been the hardest.

12 November 2018 - 12:02
Paradise (Kalifornia) hiriko auzogune bat kiskalita. Argazkia: @washingtonpost

The fire, declared Thursday in Northern California, is still uncontrolled by fire fighters. The rescue teams have already recorded 31 deaths and are searching for nearly 228 people who are still missing, according to the Basque Department of Security.

The real cause of the fire has not yet been determined and the strong wind streaks that are taking place these days make the work of the fire brigade considerably more difficult. The fire has caused significant damage, including the fire that has affected the city of Paradise in the San Francisco area, which is almost completely burned.

Firefighters have pointed out that it does not rule out that the high-voltage line may have provoked a fire as a result of a spark unleashed in a central area. Since then, and because of poor air quality, the red alert has been activated in San Francisco.

California governor Jerry Brown acknowledged that "300,000 people have already been evacuated from their homes" and that many of them "have lost everything they had." Brown has called on U.S. President Donald Trump to "designate the disaster zone" for those affected to receive financial and psychological aid.

Trump has responded that “every year billions of dollars are spent on forest management and dozens of people die from mismanagement.” The president has also announced that it will "cut" the aid if there is no solution to this situation.


“Woolsey” Fire in Los Angeles

After the "Camp Fire" disaster, in Los Angeles "another fire has been unleashed. The fire has destroyed 33,600 hectares and 177 homes in the areas of Malibu, Calabasas and Thousan Oaks, according to the Basque Department of the Interior. At the moment, two deaths have been recorded in the Istanbul attack.


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