The Xunta pola Defensa de la Llingua called on the Asturians to defend linguistic rights and to defend the linguistic heritage. The multitudinous demonstration that travelled the streets of Oviedo took place last Saturday in a central plaza of Oviedo. The mobilisation was supported by the major trade unions and by many political parties, including the PSOE, which rules in Asturias.
Although the current legislation provides for the promotion of the use of the Asturian, they claimed that it is not enough and called for a more complete official, similar to that of the Catalans, the Galician and the Basque Country. 30,000 people joined in a massive demonstration.
Here's the video of Hamaika Telebista:
Espainiako Estatuan hitz egiten diren hizkuntza gutxituen aldeko eragileek adierazpen bateratua aurkeztu dute asteazken honetan: “Hizkuntza-aniztasuna: askatasuna, berdintasuna eta demokrazia” izenburupean, asturiera, aragoiera, galiziera, katalana eta euskara hitz... [+]
Asturiera –llingua asturiana edo asturianu– desagertze bidean dagoen Europako hizkuntza da, nahiz oraindik ere, posibilitate berri bat daukan normalizatzeko eta bizirik irauteko. Haren aukera datorren legealdian ofizialtasuna lortzea da.