LAB registered the two bills in the Basque Parliament this Thursday, and appeared to explain their contents. Secretary General for Employment, Garbiñe Biurrun, explained that the measures set out in the Labour Code are “proposals for the distribution of employment, care and wealth”. Calls for the valuation of “all” works, “including those of surveillance”. The union has made proposals in the Social Security Act to ensure "decent" pensions and social protection. The proposal is for the whole of the Basque Country and is expected to be incorporated into society in Navarre and also in the French Basque Country.
At the hearing, Biurrun called on the political parties of the Basque Parliament to act in three ways: on the one hand, to put pressure on the Spanish Government to repeal the labour and pension reforms; on the other hand, to opt for new legal and political status for decision-making power in the field of employment and social policies; and, finally, to take measures to “improve” the living conditions of workers.
Measures from now on
The trade union has also put forward concrete measures. He has asked the parties to ask the employers to agree on a new Interprofessional Pact that includes, among other measures, a minimum wage of EUR 1,400 and a working day of 30 hours. It has also proposed that the minimum pensions of EUR 1,080 and retirement should start at age 60 and that the measures of the People’s Legislative Initiative against Poverty and Social Exclusion should be implemented. He has also stressed the need for tax reform to “tax capital incomes and corporate profits more”.
EHGAMek Axel hotelaren irregulartasunei jarritako helegitearen inguruko isiltasun administratiboaren ondoren, hotelaren itxiera eskatzen du eta hainbat eragileekin batera prentsaurrekoa eman dute.
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