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30 Small Popular Steps Organized This Weekend

  • One more year the Herri Urrats 2010 could not be celebrated and, therefore, 30 ikastolas from Ipar Euskal Herria have carried out initiatives in their schools.
Argazkia: Herri Urrats

10 May 2021 - 10:12

Because of the state of health, it has not been possible to celebrate the festival of schools in the French Basque Country for a year. The ikastolas of 30 localities have organized several activities for today. Each ikastola has prepared its program and the citizenship has gone to the plazas.Segun has collected the news, there have been food, drink and clothing, and also meals have been organized in different locations of the Basque geography.

Representatives of the ikastolas attended an official press conference in the Basque Parliament. Jean René Etxegarai, president of the Commonwealth of Iparralde, Antton Kurutxarri, president of EBB, or Mathieu Berge, president of the New Aquitaine region, have been some of the participants. After the years without Herri Urrats, they have pointed out that they have "economic losses" and that what ikastolas need is "solidarity" in order to survive. With the aim of raising more than 300,000 euros, SEASKA has launched the fifth school, in which nearly 2,000 people participate. To this end, it has 20% of the funding obtained. Contributions of between 20 and 2,000 euros can be made on the website


Kanaldude performed live from different locations in order to publicize the small Herri Urrats.


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