This is what the editorial of the Lower Band of 2 Omen states: “The continuation is the minimum of this Omen, the maximum is to win the quota to say something.” We have won the quota to say something every time, now you have done it. Or ours. We have said the columns in the hope that they will have something to say. We have achieved what I was asking for, but now, what can we say? Maybe we prefer to hide within the four walls of our website. Another page here in the Internet hole. The two worlds that are already indivisible, the cybernetic and the real, cannot be the refuge of each other. It is therefore incumbent upon us to face up to a unique world.
We have been given the following criteria: A column, round and long, or sharp edge, but finally a column. “2500-4000 characters”, the same ones we have ever written but numbered and measured with magnifying glass. “Don’t write poetry, if it’s not an exceptional case, because you have to understand it.” In short, the minimum of ARGIA, compliance with the deadlines, writing with a certain understanding (it will cost) and, of course, in Basque; the maximum, rob the other Basque media a new literary talent, nosotrxs industry plant.
The young people we suffer today have no more than to buy them in a sold world. But we prefer to change the world rather than destroy it.
Well, the latter is false. You can’t find a job for the summer, amidst a salary you’re looking for in InfoJobs “part-time writer” and doesn’t fit five pockets. We have achieved what any young person who has just turned 20 years old wants, to be able to say whatever you want and to work with your things: a pretty good deal. A quota of five is not a quota, it is a fifth of a quota, but that is also enough for us.
No one has united us under contract, forced us to point at a pistol, not even drawn our attention: we were alone and we were elected.
There is no prominent name here, not a round that puts your face on it. The articles that have been decided unanimously in a call to meet for a short time, because we do not know how to do otherwise. The challenge is to investigate the consensus and disagreements highlighted in the text, analyze the limits and explore further. Speak of a single voice in texts written by five hands when it is not possible. Every week you will prove it (or not), reader.
It won't be in a warehouse where the book will die forgotten. The young people we suffer today have no more than to buy them in a sold world. But we prefer to change the world to destroy it. Duty has never changed much, but what it is prepared to do.
“Having something to say is not difficult, recounting it well, yes,” and also giving it something to say. When the column is no longer weighed and only serves for the ornament, to the street. We resigned by saying things by filling characters.
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