A monographic plenary session on demography was held in the Basque Parliament on Wednesday, in which a debate was held on the Demographic Strategy that will be in force for a decade. The Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu conducted an analysis of the demographic situation at the CAPV, concluding that it is not good. As was evident, the decline in the birth rate, the delay in the age of motherhood, the late emancipation and the increase in life expectancy have led to an ageing population.
Given this situation and the view that the "demographic challenge" implies the need for intervention, the Basque Government has proposed a five-axis strategy for 2030. These axes would be the emancipation of youth, the construction of family projects, the autonomous and complete life of the elderly, the migration socialization and the increase in the value of rural areas.
Urkullu presented four initiatives that should be articulated in order to promote the change of demographic trend and enable the rise. These would include a monthly grant of EUR 200 per child: parents with an income of less than EUR 100,000 per year may apply for help, and the duration of the child will be up to three years. It is expected to enter into force in 2023. The subsidy shall be compatible with the tax deductions and the subsidy granted by the Income Guarantee for Childbirth Income.
The other outstanding initiatives are the implementation of youth support programmes for entrepreneurship, training and/or housing projects; the strengthening of the Haurreskolak Consortium ensuring that steps 0-2 years are free; and the incorporation of a demographic vision into investment rules, strategies, plans or programmes.
In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.
Based... [+]
Gure lurraldeetan eta bizitzetan sortzen diren behar, desio eta ekimenen inguruan gero eta gehiago entzuten dugu harreman eta proiektu publiko-komunitarioak landu beharraz, eta pozgarria da benetan, merkaturik gabeko gizarte antolaketarako ezinbesteko eredua baita. Baina... [+]
Pilar Calcada is part of the Cedars group. On January 15th, the group called to take advantage of the “excellent opportunity” that will exist in the coming years to boost the arms industry, in an ostentatious event that resonated a lot. According to the study of the... [+]