Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Last year, 281 hate crimes were recorded in the CAV, and 64 per cent were racist or xenophobic.

  • The number of hate incidents was 35% lower than in 2022, but it is the second highest figure in the last eight years. Regarding the typology, injuries (32%) and threats (24%) stand out. More than half of the people who suffered the crimes were migrated.  
Kurba arriskutsua! Norabidea garrantzitsua da leloa erabili dute aurten arrazakeria eta xenofobiaren aurka egindako 27. martxan, Pasaiatik Donostiara egindakoa. Argazkia: SOS Arrazakeria Gipuzkoa
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Basque Government has disseminated the Report on Incidents of Hatred of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa of 2023, in which a total of 281 acts of hatred were recorded. Most hate crimes were racist or xenophobic, representing 64 per cent (180). Regarding these crimes, there were more crimes in 2022 (231), but in 2023 there was an increase of 23%. In total, the number of hate crimes in 2022 (435) decreased by 35% in 2023, but became the second highest figure in the last eight years.

In addition to racist or xenophobic hate crimes, 16 per cent of cases involving sexual orientation and identity were committed (45). As for hate crimes by gender and functional diversity, each had 6 per cent of the crimes. Gender-based crime experienced a significant decline from 2022 (from 88 to 18), according to the report, “due to the disappearance of the cyclical factor generated by a large number of such events in the previous year, the events known as “stings”. As for religious beliefs and practices, there were no hate crimes in the CAV in 2023.

Of all hate crimes, 32 per cent were injuries (101) and 24 per cent (76) were threats. In both cases, more than half of hate crimes occurred than other criminal groups. Last year, however, hate speech increased: 14% corresponded to this typology (46). Coercion – forcing people to do something against their will – accounted for 13% of total crime (41) and degrading treatment for 7% (22).


Highest number of hate crimes in Bizkaia

Almost half of the cases (48 per cent) were recorded in Bizkaia. The report notes that for the sixth consecutive year, the capitals of the historic territories have highlighted most cases of hate crimes: 41 in Bilbao, 37 in San Sebastian and 25 in Vitoria-Gasteiz. In addition to the capitals, Barakaldo (11) and Irun (17) in Bizkaia had the most cases. Most of the incidents occurred on public roads, with 38 per cent of the total number of cases. 15 per cent of hate crimes in housing and 7 per cent of crimes were committed via the Internet. Most hate crimes were committed on weekends (49 per cent), during the months of May, August and September.


More than half of the victims, people migrated

65 per cent of those charged for hate crimes are Basque. As far as victims are concerned, a total of 305 assaults were recorded in 2023. Among them, 59 per cent of the victims were of foreign origin.

Among the perpetrators of hate incidents, 74 per cent are men and 58 per cent are young adults. Among the accused, minors account for 29% of the cases. Among minors, 60 per cent of the cases were recorded for racist reasons and 25 per cent for crimes of sexual orientation or identity of the victim.

There was also a decrease in the number of administrative infringements compared to 2022, where three administrative infringements were recorded, all for racist or xenophobic insults and all of them in a football field or stadium. The administrative infringement of 2023 was committed in a football field, specifically in San Mamés, on 27 August 2023, in the match against Athletic Club and Real Betis, where a Athletic Club player was racially insulted.

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