Iñaki Garcés Beitia was detained for the first time between 1987 and 1990. In 1998 he was again arrested by the Civil Guard in Vitoria and reported his torture during the incommunicado detention. The National Court sentenced him to 25 years in prison for damage to the military base of Arara (Álava), for possession of explosives and for belonging to ETA.
The second degree was awarded in 2018 and in the spring of 2021 was Euskalerrized from the prison of Zuera (Zaragoza, Spain) in Basauri (Bizkaia). He earned third grade in 2022 and parole in March 2023.
In December 2020, in number 2715, at COVID-19 Prison: The experiences of Basque first-person prisoners, the light published a report on the letters of four Basque political prisoners describing what they lived in prison during the pandemic. One of these letters was that of Garcés, and in it, once the Crisis was over, which of the rights and living conditions lost we recovered? He spoke, inter alia, of the rights lost by prisoners and their families in the context of the pandemic. Here you can read the report and here Garcés' letter is complete.
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
See that the streets of Bilbao are full of tourists and dogs with two legs, for example? Or the changes in the political situation? The first one has tired me and annoyed me... [+]