It is 25 years since the first time that women protested for the egalitarian alarming in Hondarribia. In 1996, 26 women entered the Alarde and were insulted and beaten. Since then the situation has been maintained and parades are held divided into festivities: Exclusionary alarming on the one hand and Jaizkibel Company on the other. The latter also suffers today from the insults and gestures of rejection of others, but they have not neglected the struggle begun a quarter of a century ago.
This year he has also left Jaizkibel Konapinia Street, although no parade has been held for the coronavirus. Instead, there has been a concentration in favour of the egalitarian alarming in Plaza 8 de Marzo. From there, the journalist of Berria Maddi Ane Txoperena has followed up, and through Twitter has spread the message of those of the Jaizkibel Company: In addition to claiming that another 25 years will not go by in order for the alarm to be egalitarian, they have relaunched the proposal made in July that it be another company of the alarm. "We are asking for another company from the Alarde and that is what we are asking for for the next course," said Jaizkibel captain Oihana Etxeberria, in an interview with Hamaika Telebista.
Alardean desfilatuta ere honek «herriaren benetazko errealitatea irudikatzen ez zuela» ikusita sortu zen 2019an Guztion Alardea, «herria polarizatua dagoelako, baina ikusten ez den masa gris handia dagoela irudikatu beharra zegoelako». Eneko Gonzalez eta... [+]
«Gatazkaren konponbidean baliagarria izango delakoan» EH Bilduko Lantalde Feministak egindako hausnarketa plazaratu du Arma Plazan. Igor Enparan alkateari «Jaizkibel konpainiak bakarrik betetzen duen legea betearazten hasteko, eta Alarde bakarra, guztiona eta... [+]
Alarde fundazioari eta Hondarribiko Udalari bideratu diete alardean parte hartzeko eskakizuna, kantinera bezala ez ezik, soldadu gisa ere bai. Guztion Alardea elkarteak eman du urratsaren berri. Alarde baztertzailearen bueltako gazteek sortu zuten elkartea, defendatzen baitute... [+]