Last year’s Summer Pedagogical Meetings had to be suspended after two decades of health crisis. This year, the meetings will be held thanks to the collaboration of the UPV/EHU, at the HEFA School in Donostia. The event will be on July 5, 6 and 7, at the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao. Summer pedagogical meetings. Until June 15, the deadline for registration on the website is open.
A total of 25 Basque courses have been organized. Almost half of them will be new courses and many of them will have as their main or cross-cutting axis the ongoing health crisis. And that is that the pandemic has had a great influence on the work of educators and their work. For example, Ibon de la Cruz will teach a course on the stress and anxiety of educators and educators. The monitoring of teachers will focus on the centre, and on this will be taught courses such as the one to be taught by Miren Camison: Interiority in education: the care of oneself implies the care of the other. For his part, Naiara Gorroño will teach the Walking Meditation course in nature.
They will address a very varied subject. There will be themes such as the body, teachers or students, as well as other topics that are in the middle of the day: reflections on school patios, creative education through play, and the Pikler-Loczy line of work, for example.
Mikel Agirrezabala, head of the HIK HASI pedagogical project, stressed that although contact courses have been avoided, the rest have been well adapted to COVID-19 prevention measures. Agirrezabala explained that the meetings will have their essence, their essence, that is, that the nature of the meeting, which has nothing to do with it. And that is that, as you said, this year teachers need and deserve more than ever to be, to speak, to listen, to feed and to share with teachers from other centres, from other networks, from other countries and from other realities. That is why they have endeavoured to maintain the essence of the meetings.
Detailed information and inscriptions on the HIK HASI website:
Hezkuntza hobetzeko hamar gako zerrendatzen dituen proposamena egin du Hik Hasi egitasmo pedagogikoak, urtebetez hainbat aditurekin batera burututako gogoetaren ondorio. "Kalitatezko hezkuntza bermatzeko zoru pedagogiko eta etikoa: Hezkuntza hobetzeko gakoak"... [+]