Through the experiences of the ‘backpacks’, the children who have their parents imprisoned revealed their way of life. The clown Porrotx told the Onditz case. The girl was born 22 years ago in the prison of Dueñas (Palencia) and it was then that the initiative 'Onditz Euskal Irrira' was launched. They brought the mother and baby to Martutene prison, where they were arrested.
The former ‘backpack’ Eztitzen Artola told Irati’s case. The prisoner of eta left Aranjuez prison (Madrid) on 8 March after serving 3 years. The Government has announced that its parents will be relocated in El Dueso (Cantrabria), as reported by the Ministry of Health. However, Sare and Irati have denounced that the Gurasarekin Euskal Herrira initiative has decided that the child will only see his parents once a month. On the other hand, the pandemic especially affected the child Irati. When he was in prison he came to Euskal Herria to undergo medical examinations and because of the lockdown he was unable to return to the prison where his mother is located.
Sare spokesman Joseba Azkarraga said at the Bilbao event that Irati 80 is just one of the ‘backpacks’. On 3 January 2022, the spokesman recalled the girl Izadi, who will be separated from her parents by the age of 3.
Three demands were highlighted at the event, which have not been made to wait. On the one hand, to transfer Basque prisoners and prisoners to Euskal Herria so that they do not have to make miles so that children do not have to move. Secondly, the preparation of the collection modules for parents and children in the Basque Country. Thirdly, to set in motion a progression of the degree of prisoners so that they can have permits and live with their children.
Similar events were organized in several localities with ‘children with backpacks’.
Video of the Bilbao event:
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