On 9 November, the Council warned of the linguistic emergency of the Basque Country and the community of speakers. Now he wants to take a step further, in the face of 2025. In its early November hearing, the Council noted that “saying that we are in a linguistic emergency is not an appeal to concern and despair, but the first step towards “forcibly starting the path of emergency.” “Direct diagnosis,” they said, to put “in the right direction” the process of normalization and regeneration.
They have stressed that 2025 will be an important year for the Basque Country and for the Basque speaking community. To start taking steps towards the new direction, they have considered that the first task is to integrate the issue into the political and social agenda. It has called on institutions, authorities and all political and social actors to address “the political issue decisively”. They insist that it is urgent.
The Council has also reiterated the commitment made following the demonstration of 4 November 2023 to "channel" a socio-political agreement that puts standardisation "in the right direction".
On the road from emergency to enforcement, he has emphasized the need for "all". In addition to calling for a political and social agreement, it has called on the public to participate in the process. They have encouraged the citizens to make contributions on a daily basis, that is, to speak in Basque, to go to the Basque Country or to go to the Durango Fair. However, they have announced that there will also be "invitations to social mobilization" in 2025.
Mobilisation in December 2025
In the context of Basque Day, they have announced that a "great social mobilization" will take place around the Basque country. They have explained that it will be “the result of a process” and “the starting point of a new cycle”. Details of the mobilization in the Basque Country will be announced in the coming months.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak antolatutako "Ongi etorri Euskararen Mundura" jardunaldiak izan dira Gasteizen ostegunean eta ostiralean. Egun bi bete-beteak, eta mahai gainean Euskararen normalizazio prozesuan euskal herritar berriak integratzeari buruzko praktikak... [+]