For the course 2025/2026 100% of the students of Vocational Training aims to learn in a dual model. Education counselor Jokin Bildarratz presented VI on Thursday. Plan. They want to encourage the participation of over 25,000 companies. Currently, 46,671 students are undergoing Vocational Training at the CAPV, 30% in the dual model, in 7,542 companies.
The number of companies participating in Vocational Training has doubled since last year, as 3,155 in the year 2021/2022. The aim of the new plan is to increase the number of students in dual training year after year, i.e. 50% of students in the next year and 70% in the 2024/2025 year.
The Minister of Education pointed out that VI. The Basque Plan is an "instrument that supports the next transformation of the Basque vocational training system". They want to drive a model that is more ambitious and transformative. To this end, Bildarratz has shown his intention to continue working in the entrepreneurial culture with over 75,000 students. They also want to boost the creation of over 300 companies.
Adapting to change
They also want to put in place tools to respond to the changes in many jobs. Consequently, the new plan will promote a "total digital transformation" in the Integrated Vocational Training Centres. In this sense, they want to turn all educational centers into smart entities for the 2025/2026 course, "capable of facing the challenges arising from a new productive environment with high digital and smart technology".
Ikasle Abertzaleek greba deitu dute hezkuntzan, ostegun honetarako. Indarrean diren hezkuntza erreforma eta legeek sakoneko arazoak indartu baino ez dituztela egiten eta hezkuntzak soluzio integrala behar duela aldarrikatzen dute: “Hezkuntza sistema sozialista eraikitzea... [+]
The CAPV Department of Education does not intend to promote Euskera in professional training, nor does it intend to do so: it wants to leave Euskera as it is, because it wants to promote Euskera in the socioeconomic sphere with the staff who do not know Euskera.
The penance of... [+]
Covid-19ak eragindako krisi ekonomiko, laboral eta sozialak agerian utzi ditu milaka negozio txiki, berriz irekitzeko aukerarik gabe ateak ixten ari direnak; dozenaka mila lanpostu galdu dira horrela.
This is what the Department of Education has told us that Son Martin cannot complete the higher education cycle he has chosen.
Ezkaintza Deleted.
I was not surprised that there were no Model D places at the largest vocational training institute in Álava. He couldn't be... [+]