In total, some 45,000 policemen will participate in the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024, between 26 July and 11 August, as explained by French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. Consequently, cultural and sporting events that are usually held on those dates "will be delayed or suspended".
The Baiona festivities bring together about one million people and for five days mobilize hundreds of police and gendarmes. They are held from 24 to 28 July in 2024, but the Olympic Games are likely to change the date. The Mayor of Baiona, René Etxegarai, has pointed out that it has never happened to suggest that there will be no life outside the Olympic Games, as the Minister of the Interior did. "For many of us, the Baiona parties are as important as the Games," said the mayor, according to France Bleu. Etxegarai is surprised because it appears that the consequences of the Games have now become aware of the Ministry of the Interior, although Paris has been a candidate for the 2024 Games for many years.
Author and director: Patxo Telleria
Actor: Mikel
Martinez: 20 September
Place: Biltxoko (Baiona)
Except when the client asks for the account, the voice of the... [+]
Euskal Kostaldeko ospitaleko zuzendaritzak aurkeztu duen lan denboraren berrantolaketa proiektuaren salatzeko, intersindikalak mobilizaziorako deia egin zuen asteartean. Berrantolaketa proiektu horrek 2002an sortutako hitzarmena hausten duela diote sindikatuek, besteak beste RTT... [+]
Baionako zitadelan proiektu berriak ditu armadak. Eraikin berriak egin nahi ditu eta horretarako oihanaren zati bat deseginen dute eta ura atxikitzeko bi gune ere sortu nahi dituzte.
Ms. Judge of the Bayona Court of Justice dismisses:
In March, I was judged by some Euskaltzales in Baiona for taking part in some of the actions we have taken to denounce the unfair treatment suffered by the Basque authorities in the French state. At the beginning of the trial,... [+]
Maddi Kintanak Baiona, Angelu eta Miarritzeko gazteen euskara aztertu du bere tesian. Hitz berriak sortzen dituzte baina baita hitzak beste hizkuntzetatik hartzen ere, besteak beste, interneten eraginez.
Despite the black skin and curly hair, they remained invincible men, with the intelligence and resentment of human beings.” So he wrote about the slaves CRL James in the book Jakobino Beltzak, who masterfully narrates the Haitian revolution. So many brutalities, torture and... [+]
Mende batean, Baionako Euskal Museoak izan duen bilakaeraz erakusketa berezia sortu dute. Argazki, tindu edo objektuak ikusgai dira. 1924an William Boissel Bordaleko militarrak bultzatu zuen museoaren sorrera, "euskal herri tradizionalaren" ondarea babesteko... [+]