The market owners, when asked to accept any kind of limitation or control, have said no – as we have seen in the case of rents and staple foods – as often as they have said no. They have faced the Government when it has sought to tax excesses in the light force business and has threatened to flee every time tax reform is discussed. This is the situation in which what has been called the solidarity tax in the Spanish state has been put on the table.
In the coming weeks, the 2023 budgets for public policies to support citizenship and transition to a different socio-economic model will be negotiated in all institutions. In the funding section you can measure and see the step in a particular tax, small but in the right direction. In practice, however, it is a measure that announces that there will be no real tax reform.
In our case, this tax will bring nothing. On the contrary, the only fiscal measure announced in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa is the adaptation of taxation to cope with the increase in life, the deflation that will be used to make a little money available to citizens: a measure that solves little in the short term and exacerbates the problem in the long term.
When public policies are more necessary than ever before and public intervention will be essential to reverse the economic reality, to undo the debate on fiscal reform is, without a doubt, to delve deeper into the path that leads us to the black hole. In 2008 we were told that public spending had to be limited, and in 2022 they are telling us that wealth accumulation has no limits or exceptions.
Gezurra badirudi ere, irudia ez dago Tolosako inauterietan eginda. Munduko herrialderik jendetsuenen artean, laugarrenean da, pasa den astean. Kameraz inguratuta, bi gizoni 80 eta 85 zigorrada eman dizkiote bizkarrean. Haien bekatua: gorputzaz elkarrekin gozatzea. Aceh... [+]