The festival for the ikastolas of Bizkaia will be held on 30 May in Sopela and Leioa, organized by the ikastolas of Euskal Herria. Calm down! Under the motto "Ibilaldia" this year, the song and video clip have been presented. Xabi Paya has been in charge of putting the lyrics to the song, and Xabi Aburruzaga has put the music on. Among the singers, besides the students of the ikastolas, are Aiora Renteria, Maitane Salvador, Iholdi Beristain and Itziar Ituño, among others.
"The author of the letter has been able to put together in a few words what is meant to be expressed with this motto," the organizers of the event explained in a statement. In particular, they wanted to say that "on this journey, you have to get wet from top to bottom and to the bone marrow." "The need to get wet to know and learn Basque, to get wet to speak in Basque, to get wet to use Basque anywhere and at any time, to get wet to learn to live in Basque".
Sustrai Colina bertsolariak idatzi du abestiaren hizkia eta Ze Esatek taldeak jarri dio doinua. Bideoklipean Santurtziko Bihotz Gaztea ikastolako neska-mutilek hartu dute parte.
Larramendi ikastolak antolatu du 39. Ibilaldia, Mungian, eta milaka lagun elkartu dira zirkuituaren lau guneetan. Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoarako Hezkuntza Legea lortzeko akordioak bilatzeko eskaera egin du Ikastolen Elkarteak.
Parekidetasuna zeharlerro moduan landu dute Ibilaldian, eta, horretarako, lau pertsonako lan-taldea sortu dute.