The Bizkaia General Boards have just approved a special tax regime that benefits the companies and legal entities that are going to work around the 2020 Euro Cup that will be organised by UEFA. Under this scheme, UEFA will be exempt from corporate tax for the entire duration of the 2012 Euro Cup.
Taxes on personal income, non-resident income and local taxes will also be exempted. The Bilbao Eragin Assembly of Precarious Young People and the Bilbao 2020 Euro Cup have denounced this special tax regime. platforms.
The Euro Cup matches will be held on 15, 20, 24 and 28 June in the San Mamés camp in Bilbao, and since this award was known, the Bilbao 2020 Euro Cup is already underway. Platform. The platform has been against the Euro Cup from the start for eleven reasons, and has ensured that they will "be ahead" for the duration of the Euro Cup. Having heard the new tax regime adopted, they have denounced: "Tax haven't started," they said in a message posted on their official Twitter account.
The Bizkaia General Boards adopt a standard setting up a TAX MANIFESTO for companies operating in the 2020 Euro Cup.
— Eragin Bilbo (@Eragin Bilbo) September 3, 2019
Quiet, it is good for the city...
Truth @juanmariaburto @eajpnv?
OUTSIDE UEFA#Eurobec GipuzkoaNo
But quiet, it's good for the city... Ez @juanmariaburto @eajpnv?
— Bilbao 2020 Euro Cup Hau EZ (@Bilbao2020 EZ) September 2, 2019
UEFAk apirilaren hasieran erabakiko du Bilbo izango den Europako Futbol Txapelketa jasoko duen hirietako bat. Alegia, Espainiako selekzioak San Mamesen jokatuko ote duen. Horren aurrean, mobilizazio nazionala deitu du Eurocopa Honi Ez ekimenak, apirilaren 10ean Bilbon.
The Spanish men’s football team, for the first time since 1967 in the Basque Country, will play three Euro 2020 matches at the stadium in San Mamés. “In 2014 we presented the candidature of the City of Bilbao, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government,... [+]