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Gipuzkoa Deputy will refund taxes paid in 2019 to self-employed people who have suffered losses in 2020

  • This is what the spokesman for the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Eider Mendoza, has said. The Basque Government estimates that the economic impact could be around EUR 13 million.

02 December 2020 - 11:29
Eider Mendoza Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bozeramailea (argazkia: GFA).

On Tuesday, the Governing Council of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa published the new Foral Decree and Norm containing the new fiscal measures, the eleventh since the beginning of the crisis of the COVID-19.La spokesman of the Provincial Council, Eider Mendoza, announced the measure called "carry-back", which could have an economic impact on Gipuzkoa.

Mendoza stressed that the procedure for applying for aid was very simple, since it was a question of presenting a model in which a single box had to be filled. The measure has been taken to ensure that businesses and self-employed workers affected by the pandemic have immediate liquidity from January onwards, as, as he explained, the problem of many self-employed at the moment is the lack of income or the very low income. In the case of Bitare, the expenditure remains the same. "This aid is specifically targeted at this group of contributors: they don't have to pay this year's taxes because they're exempt from fractional payments and also with carry-back we'll give them back last year's taxes."

In principle, the measure is targeted at the self-employed, but it is clear that the main beneficiaries will be those who have closed businesses as a result of the pandemic, such as those related to hospitality or turismo.Las requests must be submitted at the end of the year, with real losses, and may be requested in January of next year.

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