Last year, women took a big step out in the street, and it wasn't a one-day blow. It is clear that this coup has lasted and consolidated. The result of a whole year of work has been uncovered.
Among the people who have seen themselves throughout the day are people of all ages, including pensioners, intelligent, ideological or humorous demands; a group that has been erased from the history that has been written over the centuries and that has become visible.
The work of years has brought with it a great achievement: the demands of feminism have gone from belonging to a group of women to the demands of a broad society. Because the feminist perspective brings together all oppressions: working-class, racial or gender. Therefore, feminism needs far more people than half the population of this planet, all of us who are left out of the stereotype that has built the capitalist, hetereopatriarchal system, to demand and obtain the rights denied.
I have only one complaint: the presence of the Basque Country has not been sufficient. What a pity! We should reinforce the slogan “Woman* and Basque, twice rebellious!”.
All year for the next M8. All of us, all actors, must continue to make true and feminist policies. Taking steps, among other things, to avoid the inequalities generated by care work and to obtain rights. Because feminism can contribute a lot to the revolution of this system.
After a month, the feminists will take to the streets the day of working women. We have an annual appointment that we have organised and prepared enthusiastically every year. Last week we looked back at the Portugalete Assembly, remembering the feminist strikes of 2018 and... [+]
Azken urteetan mobilizaziorako gaitasunari dagokionez nabarmendu den mugimendurik bada, feminista da horietako bat. Bi urtez segidan, greba tresnatzat, martxoaren 8 arrakastatsuak burutu ditu; kapitalaren logikari bizitzarena gainjartzea exijitzeko, milaka emakumek lan orori... [+]
On February 2, 2018, the kazkaba through the streets of Donostia-San Sebastián with a loud noise. The Euskal Herria Feminist Movement calls for a feminist strike on March 8. This was a recognition of the struggle of the cigarreros of Tabakalera: dozens of women*, witnesses of... [+]
In studying economics, I've never seen the concept of strike, even though the link between them is very straightforward. The reason is obvious: economic power defines what the economy is. In the strike of women the invisibility is double, because the analysis is done with the... [+]
Ikusi dugu lehenago. Ekologismoa da adibide paradigmatikoa. Halaber, pink washing-a edo gaypitalismoa. Merkatuak gure borrokak irentsi, digeritu eta gorotz moduan produktu kapitalista bat iraizten digu, salmentarako prest, sistemari funtzionala egiten zaiona.
Hedabideek... [+]