The Prosecutor's Office of the National Court has already filed an indictment against the nine Catalans detained in the "Operation Judas" carried out by the Civil Guard on September 23, 2019 in Madrid. The members of the CoR, investigated by the National High Court on the charge of "terrorism", were released on bail within a few months of the arrests.
The defence lawyers had since acceded to the court ' s summary of the existence of contradictions between the allegation and the evidence gathered, and the detainees ' families also reported irregularities that violated the right of defence.
According to the press this Friday, the Spanish Public Prosecutor's Office accuses the nine members of the CoR of belonging to a terrorist organization, the manufacture and storage of explosives. In a letter handed over to the court, it was pointed out that the intention was to commit attacks and sabotages in response to the judgment handed down against independence leaders, as well as to attack Parliament.
For the prosecutor, it has been demonstrated that the terrorist organization parallel to the CoR “intended to achieve the independence of Catalonia by making use of violence to its fullest extent”.
The anti-repressive organization Guardia Solidària, in charge of the defense of the accused, has stated on social networks that the prosecution's accusation has not come with surprise, but is "the continuation of the story they want to impose on us".
Iragan otsailaren 23an, 1981eko Espainiako estatu kolpe saiakeraren urtemugan, Kataluniako Auzitegi Nagusiko sarrera sinbolikoki blokeatzeagatik atxilotu zituzten auzipetuak. Fiskaltzak bi urte eta erdi arteko kartzela zigorrak eskatzen dizkie.