According to a report published by the European Anti-Poverty Network, in 2018, 4.8% of the 2,846,642 inhabitants of Hego Euskal Herria were in a precarious situation of poverty, with a minimum of 138,901 people.
The report notes that the institutions "granted subsidies to almost 100% of these people", although it is further detailed that the maximum amount of these benefits was around EUR 300. In 2018, the Poverty Threshold was set at 12,401.39 euros in Hego Euskal Herria, specifically at 1,033.44 euros per month. As if that were not enough, the supposed 100% coverage figure relates only to the applicants and recipients of the Social Inclusion Income, the most disadvantaged.
Data for the year 2019 differ from a more global perspective. According to the Basque Government's Poverty and Inequalities Survey, 194,060 people were in a situation or risk of poverty. Among them, those who did not receive the Income Guarantee Income, Social Inclusion Income or any other economic benefit were thousands; in the CAV alone, more than 60,000 people were excluded from the protection system.
Gasteizko Errotako (Koroatze) auzoan izan diren manifestazio "anonimoek" kolokan jarri dute auzokoen arteko elkarbizitza. Azalera atera dituzte ere hauetan parte hartu duten partidu politiko batzuen eta beste kide batzuen izaera faxista eta arrazista.
In this frenetic and vertiginous world in which we live, the social changes that take place little by little seem to us to be sometimes imperceptible, irrelevant or insignificant. That is not the case, however, and we have to be aware of it in order to act wisely. An example of... [+]