The Spanish Ministry of the Interior has provided data on people who have lost their lives in the hands of the police forces, that is, those who have died during police interventions or when they were arrested. According to this data, between 2015 and 2022, at least 162 people were killed by police forces (in 2023, at least seventeen). However, this computation did not take into account the migrants killed in the Melilla fence in June 2022.
These 162 deaths have been caused by the National Police, the Civil Guard, the Ertzaintza and the Mossos d'Esquadra in Madrid. Therefore, the killings by the local police have not been taken into account, as the Ministry of the Interior appears not to collect data on them.
Attacks on migrants and people with health conditions
In general, the Ministry of the Interior has not specified the origin of deaths by police forces in recent hours. In the context of the 162 murders cited, he has only disclosed this information in 25 cases, but it helps to see a trend: In these 25 cases, there were 11 people of foreign origin, almost half.
On the other hand, it also seems that in these cases of extreme police violence violence is manifested violence against people suffering from some type of health illness. In fact, in the 2025-2022 killings, at least 20 people were suffering from some kind of health problem and many of them were subject to some kind of outbreak.
487 two-year killings in thirteen European countries
In the European Union as a whole, only thirteen people have reported the latest data on police violence in Catalonia. In total, it is estimated that between 2020 and 2022, at least 487 people were killed by the police in this period of intoxication. The French State has taken the lead in this list, in which 107 murders have been recorded. Ireland, the Spanish State and Germany are persecuting him with 71, 66 and 60 murders respectively.
Firearms shootings are believed to be the most frequent cause of death, although only 262 of the 487 killings mentioned have determined the causes of death. In these 262 cases, 98 people lost their lives by shots of Foral Police officers in the working capital. However, it seems that this is not the trend in the Spanish State.
"Natural" deaths?
In the Spanish state, between 2020 and 2022 there were eight shooting killings and eleven in total since 2015. In addition, at a time when the use of taser guns is spreading to police forces, it focuses on at least one taser gun being used in one of the deaths recorded by the police. The event took place in Badalona in 2021, when a person suffering from schizophrenia suffered a loss of life after the police performed six electric shocks.
In the information provided by the authorities of the Spanish State, "natural" deaths are the most mentioned cause. There have been 65 since 2015, of which 36 occurred in the dungeons, in conditions yet to be determined. At least sixteen of the 65 deaths, the deceased lost their lives when the police tried to maintain and submit them.
Lau agenteak lesio-delituengatik ikertzen ari dira eta horrek galarazten du 2024ko amnistia aplikatzea. Polizia horietako batek, ustez, gomazko bala batekin begi bat zartatu zion Roger Español kataluniarrari.
Oraingoz Nafarroan, 53 izango dira estatuaren biktima aitortuak eta horietatik 27 torturaren biktimak. Floren Beraza, Txaro Buñuel, Cecilio Ruiz, Patricia Perales eta Izaskun Juarez dira aitortutako torturatu berriak.
Directa hedabidearen ikerketa batek ondorioztatu du 2018. eta 2020. urteen artean murgildu zela Kataluniako Palestinaren aldeko eta ezker independentistaren mugimenduetan, "Belén Hammad" izenaren pean. Nortasun agiri faltsu batekin Kataluniako Gobernuak... [+]