Some of society’s corrupt beliefs remain in view of data from December 2019: Three out of every five recipients of the IGR (31,731) are born in the CAV and 45 in Navarra. Most are women: 30.624. At age two eras stand out: The age group over 65 (9,201 people), but also the age group of 40-44 (7,115 people), which includes a much shorter age group.
As a result of the precariousness of the working world, there are those who, despite the work, have to receive the IGR in order to reach the end of the month: 10.418. The same applies to older persons receiving pension benefits: It's 13,421.
Another factor that generates the need to receive IGR is the existence of a single parent: A total of 8,737 people were registered in this situation in December 2019. Of these, 8,344 are women.
Here are the data for the month of December of each year (on the Lanbide page you can see the full table):
The year 2018 closed with 55,380 people percepting the IGR.
In December 2017 there were 60,405 people.
In December 2016, there were 63,787 people who received it (the link is not available on the Basque Government website, but you can get the table by clicking on the "download data" button).
In December 2015, 64,726 people were received (also click "download data" to access the documentation).
In December 2014 the collection was carried out by 65,687 people.
The reader may have in mind the image of the 2017 demonstration (which appears in the photo of this news item): the callers denounced that the conditions for requesting the IGR were tightened, for example, that the requirement to be registered in that locality was extended from one year to three years and that the Basque Government cut by 7% in 2016. This can help to understand the decline in the number of GI recipients year after year.
On this page you can see the maximum amounts of the IGR in 2019: the living units of three or more members of pensioners have the highest IGR and it has not exceeded 1,033.2 per month in 2019. The living units of three or more members (non-pensioners) have received a maximum of EUR 947,51 per month. Life units of three or more members have received a maximum of EUR 996,02 for single parent.
One of the demands of the agents calling for the strike on 30 January is that the minimum number of RGI should be EUR 1,080, and the maximum number of days does not reach that figure.
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