Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

National Hearing investigates an attack by ETA in Sangüesa in 2003

  • The National Hearing has opened a new front against those who accuse ETA leaders, and attacks of this kind are being investigated over and over again. Although the perpetrators of the attacks are condemned, four years after the disappearance of ETA, the Spanish courts attribute to the former ETA leadership the intellectual authorship of these attacks.
2003an ETAk Zangozan egindako atentatua.

13 April 2022 - 11:23

In the new known case, Judge Alejandro Abascal has estimated the request of the Dignity and Justice Association and decided to investigate again the attack perpetrated by ETA in Sangüesa in 2003. In this attack, Bonifacio Martín and Julian Envit, the two Spanish police officers who participated in the police operation, died.

The Dignity and Justice Association considers that the alleged perpetrators of the attack were GARIKOITZ Arruarte and Gorka Loran, although at that time it is believed that the alleged leaders of ETA were Ibon Fernández, Gorka Palacios, GARIKOITZ Aspiazu, Aitzol Iriondo, Iñaki Esparza, Mizramón Albisu, Parramon

According to EFE in a court order, the decree approved by Judge Abascal refers to 18 attacks, all of them of titadine detonating, of which Sangüesa would be the first. In detail, this chain of attacks was cut off in 2003 following the arrest of Loran and Arruarte, accused of the attack. This artifact was distributed by ETA’s management and, therefore, is now accused of intellectual authorship.

The distribution of titadine as a link

In this case the distribution of titadines is mentioned, because the association needs something concrete to link the ETA leaders with the attacks, but this is not necessary to proceed with the indictment of the ETA leaders. The victim association Dignity and Justice started this kind of complaint last year allegedly against ETA envoys in demand of a new investigation into the murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco.

The complaint calls for an investigation into the responsibility of ETA’s management in the assassination of the pp’s councillor because, in the opinion of the association, the managers are guilty of the murder, since ETA is a completely vertical organization, it cannot be symbolised that this attack takes place without knowing the direction of ETA.

In addition to the Sangüesa attack and the aforementioned Miguel Ángel Blanco, the National Court has already approved three other attacks: The attack on Judge Francisco Querol, the car bomb the Santa Pola Civil Guard headquarters and the bomb at T-4 airport in Madrid. In total, 23 people are being investigated, presumably linked to the ETA dome in the Basque Country.

In jurisprudence so far, the Spanish Supreme Court has ruled that not all the attacks committed by ETA can be accused of ETA leaders of their time, but eleven years after ETA put an end to its armed activity, these cases are being admitted to the National Court and you can see what happens in this investigation.

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