The documentary to be released at the Iurreta House of Culture (18:00 hours) is a reflection of a two-decade trajectory [Read Anniversary Report: 20 years in tune and free].
Prior to 10:00 in the morning, three simultaneous workshops will be held at the gaztetxe Abadetxea: one on sexist and racist language; another on how to launch a radio with free software and another on how to make an FM broadcast.
At 12:00, on the other hand, a round table will be held around podcasts, with the participation of magazines from ARGIA Beranegi and Klak-gazte Ahotsa, and from Ondarru Radixu and Vitoria Hala Bedi Irratia.
Ikasturte honetan Urretxu eta Zumarraga artean izango dira Arrosa Jardunaldiak. Bertan, hitzaldiak, bazkari mundiala, bazkal osteko kuña lehiaketa eta furor, herri poteoa eta kontzertuak izango dira, Chaval valentziarrak eta Donostiako Arrotzak hirukotea. Topaketei... [+]