The 1936 war left a profound imprint on Usurbil. The Usurbil Historical Memory Association 1936, the City Council of Usurbil and the popular project 650 Usurbil Bizi have created the "The Memory of the War" tour in order not to forget what happened then and not to repeat it.
Last June, in the context of the days "memory of the conflict, conflict of memory" organized by the City Hall itself with the UEU and Jakin, they made this march as a demonstration with the participants of the quotation. But for the first time, with total officialdom, they did so last weekend, with the first team of citizens.
At any time they had the opportunity to
return to the time of the war of 1936 and to the context of the time. The route, as highlighted by the members of the Usurbil association 1936 who carried out the guiding tasks, is composed of eight stations to follow in a given order. It starts at the height of Council Txiki, continues in Dema Square. The Saroe Palace, the Plaza de Olano, the Plaza Askatasuna and its boleras, the Sutegi portal or the couple of municipalities are the ones that make up the "Memory of the War". It is advisable to move through this order so that one can know in a coherent way the story of the time.
This guided tour will be organised on several occasions, and will be dynamised by the local 650 Usurbil Bizi programme. But you can complete the tour at any time. In fact, in the columns that are located in the eight stations mentioned you have the details and a QR code for more information.
The same can be said of the traces left in Andatza by the war of 1936. The guided theatrical tour took place last spring. At any time you can go up to it to get to know these details; on the one hand, you can visit the trenches that have recovered in recent years in Auzolan. On the other hand, you can get information about the importance of the area in the 1936 war, through the panels and QR codes they have installed.
The tour that can be completed in the hull makes it clear that the war of 1936 left outstanding footprints in the village, not only in the mountain areas. What happened before and after the coup d'état in the village, the buildings of vital importance, revitalizes people, the itineraries that allow us to travel to the social and political context of the moment.
The moment when the coup d'état invaded Casa Saroe, the moment when they began to give way to repression, which happened when the City Hall assaulted... The participation of women has also sought to offer their own space in the Plaza de Olano, where many people have gathered. You also have the opportunity to know the details of the front of Andatza, a town that crossed the defensive line of the area to protect itself from the coup d’état. In the area of Andatza some of the materials recovered during excavations carried out in recent years have been exposed.
Tafallan, nekazal giroko etxe batean sortu zen 1951. urtean. “Neolitikoan bezala bizi ginen, animaliez eta soroez inguratuta”. Nerabe zelarik, 'Luzuriaga’ lantegian hasi zen lanean. Bertan, hogei urtez aritu zen. Lantegian ekintzaile sindikala izan zen;... [+]
Eraispenaren aldeko elkarteek manifestazioa antolatu dute larunbatean Iruñean. Irrintzi Plazan manifestazioaren deitzailea den Koldo Amatriarekin hitz egin dugu.