The remains of trade unionist José Creagh Lécaroz have been donated to his relatives. Creagh was born in Seville in 1914 and, after being convicted in 1934, was imprisoned and shot in Ezcaba prison in Navarra in 1936. After his exhumation and identification in March 2022, his remains have been handed over to the family in an event held on Monday at the Berriozar municipal cemetery.
The Government of Navarra has pointed out that Creagh and twenty other prisoners were killed for an attempted escape in October 1936. His remains were subsequently transferred to the Berriozar cemetery.
Carlos Creagh, nephew of José Creagh Lecaroz, appreciates the donation of remains and acknowledges the work done to preserve the memory of those killed in 1936.
The remains of Creagh have been handed over to the family in an act chaired by the vice-president of the Government of Navarra and counselor of Memory and Coexistence, External Action and Euskera, Ana Ollo. Members of Parliament, local authorities and representatives of memory associations have been present among others.
Ollo recognizes the collaboration of those who have allowed the remnants to be handed over to families. It also stresses that it will continue to work in a plural and democratic society.
The exhumation and delivery of corpses is part of the plan of the Navarro Institute of Memory. Since 2015, 155 bodies of victims of Francoist repression have been exhumed.
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