All these data have been made public by the web, which has been accessed to read the following data:
Data on bertso-eskolas collected in recent months show good overall health: 1,796 people meet in the 117 bertsolaris schools from different locations to share their hobby. In addition, it is a hobby that is shared from one generation to another, as it brings together about 1,300 children and about 430 adults, and 112 teachers work for that.
They also help to figure out where the forces should be put. One of these aspects is in the field of gender, due to the gap between the number of men and women in adult bertso-eskolas, and it will be necessary to analyse how the participation of women in these groups can be promoted. The realization of the way of responding to the diverse needs of the faculty and the realization of the reading in each territory are also listed in the tasks.
The indications are based on the amount of data collection, and in addition to a deeper reading of them, it is necessary to collect more information that affects these numbers: the experiences of the participants or the sociolinguistic characteristics of each place, for example.
In particular, 1,796 people participate in bertso-eskola in 259 groups of 117 villages. The number of women and men is similar - 49% are women, 51% are men - but this balance is broken when age comes into play. In the case of groups under 18, 56% are girls and 44% are boys, while in the case of adults, 30% are women and 70% men.
To understand the realities behind the numbers, further studies will be needed, as the data raise many questions: why do adult women leave bertsolaris school; stop joining bertsolaris school, if they continue in the world of bertsolaris (and why areas give them continuity in maturity); or what we can change in the usual dynamics of bertso-eskolas participation to promote.
There are groups that meet to prepare the championship and others that have the mission to sing the games or to organize the sessions, to act suddenly. Most are improvisation teams and are the most beginners: 125 and 87 of the 259 teams, respectively.
Bertso-eskolas are the main agents that promote bertsolarism in their environment and are organized autonomously. The Bertsozale Elkartea Association provides them with resources to facilitate their work, e.g. teachers. In the bertso-eskolas, 112 teachers participate and in 74% of the cases the Bertsozale Elkartea Association runs them. On other occasions, Euskera and culture are hired by local associations or institutions, and on other occasions, some of these groups act without teachers, specifically 8%.
The data collected are for the 2019-2020 period and we have obtained them thanks to the questionnaires completed by those responsible for the bertso-eskolas. Data collection has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the Bertsozale Elkartea Association with the University of the Basque Country, for which we have had the collaboration of a student of the Degree of Social Anthropology.
We will take care of the information confidentially and the general data will be used for the research. The objective is to innovate every four years to learn about the evolution of the movement.
More data in
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