The 25th edition will be held on 18 December in Sala BBK. Hatortxu Rock, a solidarity festival for Basque political prisoners, fleeing, deported and relatives. All tickets were sold out in an hour and a half, without making known the groups that will act at the festival so far. Today they have announced the 17 groups that will be on the stage of Villava.
In the individual counterclockwork, the organizers have explained that they have tried to create a cartel for the most diverse tastes. The groups shall be as follows: Segismundo Toxiómano, Afu, Soziedad Alkoholika, Bide Bakarra, Kaotiko, Tremendous da Jauría, Dupla, Nøgen, Green Valley, Tribade, Skakeitan, Rodeo, Galtzagorriak, Ibil Beade, Irkaia, Talco Masplan.
The organizers are working on the preparation of a giant auzolan, and have called to participate in the organization of the event so that the festival can be held "among all". In fact, they have ensured that they will continue to work until the last Basque political representatives move home and can return home normally.
Following the outbreak of the pandemic, the Hatortxu Rock festival will make a special effort. That is why next summer they will organise a special two-day festival in Villava on 29-30 July. Tickets for this extraordinary festival will be released on November 1, at 20:00, on the web The two-day bonus will be priced at EUR 55, while the two-day bonus will cost EUR 30.
Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
Bi edizio baino ez zaizkio geratzen elkartasun jaialdiari. Antolakuntzak iragarri bezala, ohiko jaialdia eginen dute abenduaren 28an, eta 2025eko uztailean lau eguneko jaialdi berezi baten ostean, agur esateko une gazi-gozoa helduko da. Aritz Colio Hatortxuko antolakuntzako... [+]