Social control technologies have a growing presence in Vitoria-Gasteiz at the initiative of the City Council. The Correo informs that the City Hall will install 17 new video surveillance cameras in the Ensanche and in the Old Town starting in the summer. They will operate with artificial intelligence and serve to ‘detect crimes in real time’.
In addition, cameras may identify ‘objects, persons and vehicles’ using ‘state-of-the-art’ technologies. In addition, unlike conventional cameras, they will have a 360º visual field and send information in real time. One of the objectives is to make police interventions faster.
They are not the first video surveillance cameras to be installed in Vitoria-Gasteiz, but are located in many parts of the city. However, this municipal decision highlights a project: to increase control in certain areas, especially in which they are central and tourist.
According to the newspaper mentioned, the new cameras will be installed in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca, in the Plaza Nueva, on the San Francisco slope and in the adjacent streets.
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