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Navarra activates 163 suicide codes in the first semester of the year

  • 204 people committed suicide last year in Hego Euskal Herria, according to official data. The protocols of the administrations focus on the follow-up of people potentially exposed to suicide. They have also stressed the importance of adequately reporting suicide on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day for the Prevention of Suicide.
Argazkia: Freepik

10 September 2024 - 09:27

A total of 141 Basques committed suicide in the CAV and a total of 63 in Navarre in 2023, according to official data. This year there are 23 suicides recorded in Navarra in the first semester; in the same period, Osasunbidea has activated 163 suicide codes (57% women) with the objective of identifying and tracking the potentially exposed population. In the clinical history of these people it is indicated that they are within this code and with this it is intended that they have a preference in therapeutic care so that they do not get hooked on the wheel of the health system.

The Commission for the Prevention and Care of Suicidal Behaviour (NaPoi) was established in Navarre for ten years. Its main function is to monitor the preventive protocol by cooperating in all areas of government (health, education, social services, emergencies, police, media, social agents). At the moment, the Government of Navarra is working to ensure that the protocol is updated and made more effective.

At the CAV, Osakidetza also puts its strength in the follow-up, monitoring people who have had a suicide attempt and about 1,500 people have passed since it was launched a couple of years ago. In this case, two-thirds of the people cared for have been women.

Specifically, in the field of education, the protocol to prevent and intervene in school suicide was implemented at the CAV on 613 occasions during the first course. It is about training both professors and students on the subject, at a time when mental health problems have also become a serious problem for students.

From the administration it is also recommended to call 024, to the emergency phone (112), to the phone of La Esperanza, to the phone of the association Besarkada… in case of suicidal thoughts.

It is important to inform oneself avoiding conjectures, stereotypes and sensationalism, communicating risk factors, preventive measures and existing auxiliary handles

Properly reporting suicide can save lives

The Prevention Commission of Navarra has launched a prize competition to recognize the media and works that have duly communicated suicide, and has underlined the importance of communicating well on the subject to combat taboo, stigma, false myths and help those who have suicidal thoughts.

Along the same lines, the Agifes Association calls for a communication competition to reward the work of professionals who report with a responsible view on the group of people with mental health problems.

After all, it is important to report on the false beliefs, stereotypes and sensationalism that exist on the subject, as well as on the risk factors, preventive measures and auxiliary guarantees that exist, as we mentioned in ARGIA.

The experience of family members

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day for the Prevention of Suicide, various activities have been organized. In Azpeitia, for example, they will offer a talk on the 16th day, organized by Agifes. Bethlehem Perales and Eneko Eizagirre of the Bidegin association, supporting grief and advanced serious illness, will offer a Spanish talk on how to prevent suicide. Both speakers have lost a relative to suicide and will share their experience and what they have learned throughout their career.

What to do and what not, if someone tells you they want to commit suicide

We can do the opposite and want to help, we don't know how to manage what to say and do, when someone nearby acknowledges that the situation has conquered him and that he is going to commit suicide. Paul R has given some simple instructions. Psychologists Coca helped to cope with such a complicated situation, and we released it in ARGIA.

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