According to the organizers, 250,000 citizens joined the demonstration and 160,000 according to the police. The uprising of the righteous. The demonstration for the Sufez was the motto of the call. The mobilization ends in front of the headquarters of the CDU party. Previously, one of the speakers at the event was the publicist Michel Friedman. Friedman has just left the CDU after the conservative party voted in parliament alongside the AfD.
CDU and AfD
General elections in Germany will take place on February 23, and polls predict good results for the far-right AfD. In this context, last week the Christian Democrats of the CDU voted with the AfD in the German Parliament in a non-binding resolution against migrants. The CDU’s decision has haunted the dust, tensions have also arisen within the party.
There have been mobilizations not only on Saturday but also on Sunday throughout Germany, not only in Berlin. New demonstrations around the CDU congress in Berlin have been announced on Monday.
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Sozialdemokratek inoizko emaitzarik kaskarrenak lortu dituzten arren, litekeena da demokristau kontserbadoreekin elkartzea eta gobernua osatzea. Botoen %28,5 jaso ditu CDUk, eskuin muturreko AfDk %20,7 eta SPDk %16,4.
Porzheim, Germany, February 23, 1945. About eight o’clock in the evening, Allied planes began bombing the city with incendiary bombs. The attack caused a terrible massacre in a short time. But what happened in Pforzheim was overshadowed by the Allied bombing of Dresden a few... [+]
Geissenkloesterle (Germany), 42,000 years ago. Those living in the cave of the Danube basin made a flute with bird bones and mammoth ivory. At the same time, the inhabitants of the cave of Divje Babe in Slovenia also made a flute with the femur of a bear. These are the oldest... [+]