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155 people denounce the fascist paintings appearing in the region in Erandio

  • Yesterday, 155 people met in Erandio to denounce the fascist and chauvinist painters that appeared in the region last Sunday, under the motto "Gora Euskal Herria euskalduna, feminist and anti-fascist!" Lemona. In the note, read at the end of the concentration, it was made clear that "those who make painted, protect, promote or relativize them will have us".
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

22 July 2021 - 08:15
Last updated: 10:21
Erandioko elkarretaratzea. © LEIHOA.INFO

In yesterday's rally, protesters denounced that "we have not seen an answer with the same forcefulness, unlike other drawings", and that in the statements of some parties "instead of pointing to fascism and drawing the red line, they have made statements that are not very expressive". They also added that "it is not worth" to sign "statements that have nothing to do with a party that defends the far-right and Franco, despite the fascist aggressions, threats against vasco-speakers, women and Abertzales".

In addition, they pointed out that "they are particularly concerned" with the painting of the sports club of Erandio, since "the direct attacks on women, the threat of using rape as a political weapon, is a matter of extreme gravity". This situation, according to the congregations, "clearly demonstrates that, although some people are filled with words such as parity, there is nothing gained here and that without struggle we will not obtain an egalitarian and feminist Basque Country like the one we deserve". For this reason, the convoys called to "point out and denounce, as today, machismo and fascism, not to give space, and above all to continue building a feminist Basque Country in daily life".

In the concentration, it was also emphasized that the Euskaltzale movement "has become the focus", since in the Basque Country Lauaxeta de AEK de Getxo also performed a fascist painting. In this sense, they stated that "it is sad, 85 years after the fascist uprising of 36, to continue to suffer attacks on the community of speakers, that some try to eradicate them from the map, that there are threats to deny the very existence of our people and to fuse the nationalists".

In addition to rejecting the francoists, during the mobilization, they denounced those who fed them: "Everything that generates an anti-Basque climate, everything that feeds intolerance against the vasco-speakers and treat us as second-class citizens, that feeds these kinds of attitudes."

They also called for the gathering of women who are about to play in fascist graffiti, sexual dissidents, young people, racists, the poor and Vasco-speakers.

Note read yesterday, complete

Here we met to say aloud: Long live Euskal Herria Euskaldun, feminist and anti-fascist! In order for you to know that both those who have made these paintings and those who support them, promote them or relativize them, you will be faced with them. You're not welcome.

We are here because we believed that the seriousness of the messages in Erandio, Astrabudua, Ltzubaltzeta, Lamiako and Algorta needed a strong response. But unlike other painting jobs, we haven't seen others with the same forcefulness. In the statements by some parties, instead of pointing to fascism and marking the red line, statements have been made that say nothing. We want to tell those parties that it is not good that, with fascist attacks in our country, statements are signed that have nothing to do with a party that defends the far-right and Franco, with threats against the Vasco-speakers, women and the Abertzales. Fascism has many faces, starting with Maroto and ending these paintings. Vigorously denouncing one while protecting the other is the best way to feed fascism.

We denounce all the paintings appearing in Uribe Kosta, but on behalf of the feminist movement, we are especially concerned about those that appeared in the sports club of Erandio. Direct threats against women, the threat of using rape as a political weapon, is a matter of great gravity. And it shows that although some people are filled with words such as parity, there is nothing gained here, and without struggle we will not achieve an egalitarian and feminist Basque Country that we deserve. Where are the statements of some political leaders? Where are the strong accusations? Do you not care about this case?

Feminists are clear to us, the most effective vaccine against intolerance is ours, the feminist struggle, the anti-fascist struggle. We encourage you, as today, also at any time, to point out and denounce machismo and fascism, not to give space. And above all, we call you to continue building an Euskal Herria Feminist on a daily basis. Long live the feminist struggle!

On this occasion, the movement has also focused on the Basque Country. First of all, we wish to show our support to all members of the Euskaltegi Lauaxeta de Getxo of AEK, both professors and students, all those who have gone through the Euskaltegi. A warm hug, encouragement! Even if they do not wish, we will continue to defend the rights of the Basques.

It is sad that, 85 years after the fascist uprising of 36, they are still being attacked by our community of speakers. It's sad that some people want to disappear from the map. On Sunday, 2021, there were threats of firing on nationalists and denial of the very existence of our people. In 2000. Because fascism has never left, and if it is abandoned, it is strengthened.

But today, in addition to rejecting the Francoists, we do not want to stop mentioning others that we believe nurture these attitudes. In fact, everything that creates an environment contrary to the Basque Country, everything that feeds intolerance against the vasco-speakers, that is what it is feeding. Attacks on our language rights have been against all citizens. And treating ourselves as second-class citizens feeds them, inflicts them on them and feeds them into these kinds of attitudes. It's also your responsibility.

They represent the Basque as a second-class citizen. Women, sexual dissidents, young people, racialized, poor… Perhaps each of them can dominate us, surely not. Faced with fascism, unity, diversity, plurality are the best weapons. Fascism is fought in Basque. Gora Euskal Herria euskalduna!

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