The Spanish Police in Bilbao has caught a 47-year-old man, charged with the "prohibition" of minors, for having more than 1,500 photographs and videos of child pornography stored and for disseminating this content through the Internet. The arrest has been announced by the delegation of the Spanish Government.
The information provided by the Internet service provider has reached the male's home, once the home was geolocated by the police and the user was identified. After confirming the identity of the user of the IP address, on 26 September the Police received judicial access and registration authorization.
The Spanish police checked two mobile phones of the suspect. He knew he was handling over 1,500 pornographic materials.
Another man arrested in Zarautz
Five days before the exploration in Bilbao, on 21 September, the Spanish Police arrested a 67-year-old man in Zarautz. Although the man erased videos of paedophile content, he kept the download platform and accused him equally of responsibility.
The Spanish Police investigation has not ruled out the relationship between the two cases.
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