Laudio’s physiotherapist, denounced through the Instagram account, “has for many years been assaulting both in his current consultation and in another he already had in Laudio.” This has been denounced by the Laudio Feminist Movement in a rally held this afternoon in the Plaza del Pueblo.
As they have pointed out, in the last two weeks, 15 complaints have been received and “the assaults over 15 years ago” announced. Thus, today’s call for mobilization estimates that cases can be “hundreds”, “provoked with total impunity and without any kind of concealment”.
The broad reading in the concentration also revealed the nature of some of the attacks: “Undress on the stretcher to treat the neck, kiss the corners of the lips while lying on the stretcher, hugs, off-site touching without warnings or authorizations, pastries in the stomach, phrases like ‘what I’m here with you’, or continuous invitations to perform straight touches, let the police say if you’re sure to file a complaint, because ‘your word will be against it’, or don’t know.
Faced with this situation, the members of the Feminist Movement wanted to show their “support” and “gratitude” to all those who denounce anonymously. “Because the networks are for that, and even if it is once and for all, we are using it as we want, for what we want and need.”
In this regard, they have stated that they have learned that women assaulted in some cases have come to the police to report, but they have criticized that only such cases can be reported in police stations: “Although in your day to day you fill your mouth with the letters AAB, then we have no objection to sending the women who have suffered violence to the police. Think about it.”
The Feminist Movement has confirmed that it has known that some of the cases have been reported in the police, but it has criticized those who claim that such attacks can only be reported in police stations.
More cases
Members of the Feminist Movement have stressed that there are still many more aggressions to come to light, both in the case of the physiotherapist and in other cases: “We have said it many times, but we will not get tired of repeating it: in many spaces of the people we suffer aggressions on a daily basis, in bars, in sports clubs, in private or institutional meetings, in schools, at home… and in most cases, as in this case of fission, it is what is known in the village, what we call ‘secret voices’, but do not forget: If we all know, then it’s not a secret.”
Specific cases have also been referred to: “Many men in this country continue to participate in groups that broadcast photos of naked women sent without permission, whether from teams such as WhatsApp, Instagram or Telegram. The men of this town have around them other men who make macho, racist, gordfobos, homophobes or transfobos comments at work, in the crew or in the sports area, but because they are not the ones that provoke the confrontation, they are silent.”
In the face of this, they have encouraged men to oppose these situations, arguing that if they do not, the assaults should continue to do so, and they have called to “talk about these issues on a daily basis”.
Invitation to complain
They recalled that there is the possibility to report more cases through the account 'Euskal Herriko Salaketak', the Instagram account, the social networks of the Feminist Movement of Llodio or the anonymous questionnaire To this end, they have invited people “willing to talk” with the aim of “helping to emerge the dimension of this situation”.
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