In Bilbao we met 50,000 people; in Pamplona, 35,000; in Donostia, 35,000; and in Gasteiz, 25,000 #U30GrebaGral
— LAB SINDIKATUA (@LABsindikatua) January 30, 2020
Agents reading their communiqués at the closing ceremony. Plaza de Santa Maria on the shoulder. A common idea in all messages: "This is not the end, it's the beginning." #U30GrebaGeneral #Gasteiz @argia
— Zigor Oleaga (@zoleaga1) January 30, 2020
Speakers of the Plaza del Castillo: pensioners, social movements, racism SOS; student movement; ESK, LAB and ELA. It is the broadest representation of a general strike ending#general strike.#U30GrebaGeneral @argia
— Xabier Letona (@xletona) January 30, 2020
Look at Clemente speaking on behalf of pensioners in #Donostia. In the end, he thanked the solidarity received from other countries: - No matter what the one who sends him, we were always for the pensions! #U30GrebaGeneral @argia
— Urko Apaolaza (@urkoapaolaza) January 30, 2020
The head of the demonstration has reached the finish line, in front of the City Hall of Bilbao. Still far behind the #U30GrebaGeneral @argia rally
— Amaia Lekunberri (@amaialekunberri) January 30, 2020
Hego Euskal Herrian arrazoi soziolaboralak edo politikoak direla medio, greba orokor bat deitzeak bere jarduera guztia geldiaraztea bilatzen du. Batzuentzat urtarrilaren 30eko greba orokorra arrakastatsua izan da, eta beste batzuentzat porrota, bakoitzaren betaurrekoen arabera.
Urtarrilaren 30eko Greba Orokorraren biharamunean, grebak suposatu duenaren inguruan hausnartzeko tartea hartu dugu Sonia Gonzalezekin.