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Volkswagen in Navarra will produce 14,000 fewer cars by 2020

  • As a result of this drop in production, 200 casual workers will be laid off in January.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

20 November 2019 - 08:58

On the one hand, the economic uncertainty has cooled the market and the sale of cars has decreased; on the other hand, the Landaben plant is adapting to the third model, so there will be some interruptions in production. The German leadership has argued these two reasons for Volkswagen Navarra to be awarded 14,000 less than in this year’s campaign.

Of the 306,000 cars that will be produced in Landaben in 2020, 180,000 will be from the T-Cross model and the rest will be from the Polo model. The company will invest EUR 145 million in Landaben, in order to produce its third model, the company has reported.

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