In the first half of July it was 183, and in the second all the others, that is, a thousand eighty-nine.
As of July 9, the number increased considerably and the blackest day was recorded on July 21. That day we reached 132 cases.
Worrying data, no doubt, considering that throughout the month of June only 170 cases were infected.
The situation is complicated, as explained by the accountant Santos Indurain, who denied any doubts. And it's no less. Navarre was, in fact, the second community of the State in July with more cases per 100,000 inhabitants: 144. We have only had Aragon above and we have come to a standstill with Catalonia. In both cases, the Ministry of Health warned that a community infection had occurred, that is, that many of the infections had an unknown origin. This situation has meant that in some places, such as Germany or Belgium, Navarre is considered a dangerous place.
It should be noted that the first piece of worrying information was collected on 9 July. We then heard of an appearance that originated in one of the eleven on 6 July. Since then, ours has been an upward path, which has never ended.
Sanfermin lunches and a Tudela wedding were the first interventions, but undoubtedly the most multitudinous and prestigious has been that of Mendillorri. 218 young people have been infected in the area and over 1400 PCR tests have been carried out on young people in the area. This has led, among other consequences, to the closure of bars at 2 a.m. since 23 July.
In May, there were 11 people in the Intensive Care Units and now just 3. And only one person has died in July from COVID-19.
Looking at the last pipelines, we can see a downward trend. As of last Sunday, 414 new infections were reported last week, 214 fewer than in the previous week.
At the moment we have 53 active outbreaks in Navarra, there are 42 people admitted to the hospital, 3 in the special cinemas unit. 64% of the cases are concentrated in the region of Pamplona/Iruña, 12% in Tudela and the mean age of those affected is 33 years.