Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Case 11/13 members call for a demonstration on 14 September

  • On 16 September, the trial of the 47 Basque citizens who took part in the defence of the rights of Basque prisoners began. Two days earlier, in Bilbao, a date has been set to respond "on the street and with the people" to the trial. The defendants include Eneko Ibarguren, a neighbour of Azpeitia, who has been charged.    
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

03 June 2019 - 10:51
Auzipetuek Donostian emandako prentsaurrekoa. (Arg.: Uztarria) Auzipetuek Donostian emandako prentsaurrekoa. (Arg.: Uztarria)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 16 September, the Spanish National Hearing will begin the trial against 47 Basques in defence of the rights of Basque prisoners, including the Azpeitiarra Eneko Ibarguren. The defendants are health professionals, lawyers and members of agents for the rights of prisoners, who appeared on Saturday in Donostia-San Sebastián to Irtbidea. To say that a great demonstration is being organized within the dynamic of Human Rights, democracy, the future. In particular, the defendants have expressed their desire to have the support of society on the eve of the trial and have called for the demonstration for 14 September in Bilbao. "We want to respond to the judgment on the street and with the people," the people who are going to be tried have explained.

They have announced that they are working with people from different areas in a "broad manifesto" for the event to have greater impact and participation, which will be announced in the coming weeks, they have reported. On the other hand, they have created a special website that makes information about the trial available to citizens: The defendants have explained that being part of the prison support network has had a lot of beautiful, but also a lot of pain: "The fact that it is linked to this has had many personal consequences. This long process has conditioned our lives." In any case, they have ensured that they are "calm" with the work done. "We have always been linked to our political and ethical principles, and we are reassured by what we have done," he added. As for the future, concern lies ahead. "We have the phantom of the prison in front of us. Our relatives have before them the ghost of our absence, our dispersion and the imprisonment of a person they love. We must emphasize that we currently have a total of 38 minors under our care and that the emotional and emotional development of these people would depend on our incarceration."

The trial at six years of age

Summary 11/2013 originated in the police operation against Herrira developed in September 2013. In fact, along with the members of Herrira, the summary included both lawyers who were subsequently arrested by Judge Eloy Velasco and members of Hadi Etxerat and Jaiki. This judge was the one who instructed the case and the prosecutor of the National Court agreed with his doctoral dissertation on the case. Defendants, in their view, constitute the "ETA prison front", and those accused of "terrorist organization integration" are attributed to almost all. In the indictment, the magistrate acknowledged that the documents analyzed did not contain "any data" that would allow establishing a "direct and organic relationship" between ETA and the supposed Coordination Center.

Ibarguren was arrested on 30 September 2013 by the Civil Guard in the framework of the operation against Herrira, charged with "belonging to Herrira's leadership in Gipuzkoa". Four days later, on 3 October, he was released by Judge Velasco himself, who imposed a prison sentence on him. On the same day he was received in Azpeitia and on the following day, however, a mass rally was held in the plaza to show his support for Ibarguren and denounce the attack on the movement of prisoners.

In January 2015, they were summoned to testify to all detainees in the 2013 raid on Herrira, including Ibarguren, for an alleged crime of assaulting workers. Summary 11/2013 is the one that Velasco has now opened and in which he has included the economic cause as a separate piece in relation to the lawyers’ accounts and Herrira. Lawyers are charged with non-payment of taxes and money laundering, as well as crimes against the safety of workers against Herrira.

47 people will be tried in the Spanish National Court, including the Azpeitiarra Ibarguren. The prosecutor has asked for 8-21 years ' imprisonment for all defendants, as well as several years ' vigilance and a financial fine for them. In particular, the prosecutor asks Ibarguren for a sentence of thirteen years and six months in prison, a fine of EUR 4,800 and a disqualification of eight years.

This news was posted by Uztarria and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the license CC by-sa

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