Ruby Montoya, 29, and Jessica Reznic, 38, became involved in fighting the pipeline run by the people of Dakota and ensured that peaceful protests did not paralyse the works, set five excavators on fire and damaged the pipeline valves, delaying the works for several weeks.
"The extraction of oil from the earth, the machinery that does it and the infrastructure to do it, that's what I think is violent. Industry, corporations and governments have come together to create those instruments and mechanisms, and that's destructive, that's violent, and it needs to be paralyzed," said Democracy Now in a statement collected through the media.
Civil rights lawyers have denounced that the energy industry has called for particularly harsh penalties for these two activists who used direct action, when the climate emergency has begun to generate growing concern and more and more activists are publicly demonstrating their readiness to transgress environmental laws.
Two years ago, Itsaso Zubiria admitted at a press conference that both activists had carried out several sabotage actions against the machines and tubes to build the Dakota Access Pipeline in the state of Iowa. They assumed that they had set the machines on fire and that they had broken the tube valves.
Jessica Reznic and Catholic activists Ruby Montoya said there was a public talk about “encouraging more people to do this kind of sabotage.” “Someone may think that our actions have been carried out violently, but have not been mixed; they are actions taken from the heart, without endangering life or personal property. We have attacked a private corporation that has polluted our lands and waters,” said Ruby Montoya.
The press conference was held before the Iowa Public Services Commission (CSP). After concluding the statements, the letters from the poster on the back were removed and arrested, as can be seen in the video.
The energy lobby and the right-wing media repeated day by day that they were "eco-sovereigns".
A few years ago, the fight against the Docota Access Pipeline became known for protests at the Standing Rock Sioux Reserve in North Dakota. Donald Trump restarted the construction of the factory, despite the fact that in 2016 he managed to paralyze the project. Moving beyond mass protests, the oil pipeline across Dakota across Iowa and Illinois is already underway from north to south.
Dakota Access oliobidearen kontrako protestengatik zigortu du Ipar Dakotako epaimahai batek erakunde ekologista, Energy Transfer Partners enpresak salaketa jarri ostean. Standing Rockeko sioux tribuak protesten erantzukizuna bere gain hartu du.
AEBetako Hego Dakotako Pine Ridge erreserbako Lakota Sioux Tribe tribu-gobernuak bi lege historiko onartu zituen 2019ko legealdian. Sexu berekoen arteko ezkontza eta LGTBIQ pertsonen aurkako erasoak gorroto delituen barruan sartzea. Lorpen hauen atzean dauden ekintzaileak... [+]
Lakota hizkuntzaz hitzaldia egitekoa zen Aitor Esteban (Bilbo, 1962) iragan martxoan Gasteizen, Hitz Adina Mintzo ikastaroaren barnean. COVID 19-ak eragindako konfinamenduak bertan behera utzarazi zituen martxoaz geroko saioak eta, hainbestean, postaz jakinarazi dizkigu lakota... [+]
Dakota Acces Pipeline oliobidea eraikitzen ari den enpresak Greenpeace eta beste talde ekologista batzuk salatu ditu 300 milioi dolar eskatuz. Trumpen abokatuak arduratu dira salaketa jartzeaz.
Prentsaurreko bidez onartu dute bi ekintzailek AEBetako Iowa estatuan Dakota Access Pipeline oliobidea eraikitzeko makinen eta hodien aurkako hainbat sabotaje ekintza egin izana. Makinei su eman dietela eta hodiaren balbulak apurtu dituztela aldarrikatu dute, Democracy... [+]
Standing Rocken egin nahi duten petrolio-hodiaren proiektuak, Dakotako siux tribuen bizi eredua arriskuan jartzen duelako gatazka gogorrak izaten ari dira. Ekainean siuxek epaitegi federalean lortu zuten sententziari esker Dakota Access petrolio-hodiaren obrak bertan behera... [+]
Espainiako Ekologistak Martxan taldeak eta AEBetako hainbat mugimenduk bat egin dute apirilaren 25ean sare sozialen bidez BBVAri eskatzeko Dakota Accces Pipeline oliobide proiektuari finantzazioa ken diezaiola. Barack Obamak oliobidearen eraikuntza geldiarazi zuen 2016ko... [+]
Milaka natibok eta ingurumenaren aldeko ekintzailek manifestazioa egin dute Washingtoneko erdigunean Dakota Acces Pipeline oliobidearen eraikuntzaren kontra protestatzeko.
Standing Rock Ipar Dakota estatuan (AEB) dagoen lur eremua da eta Sioux erreserba indigenaren parte da. Missouri ibaiak zeharkatzen du eta Dakota eta Lako herriak bizi dira han. Orain, petrolio enpresek oliobide bat eraiki nahi dute ibaiaren azpian. Hainbat nazio indigenak... [+]
Asteartean Donald Trump, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako presidenteak herrialdeko oliobideen eraikuntza lanak, Keystone XL eta Dakota Access oil pipelines DAPL, jarri zituen berriz ere martxan. Bi proiektu horiek geldirik zirauten iaztik, aborigenen zein ekologisten erresistentziak... [+]
Ipar Dakotako Standing Rock siuxen erreserban hilabeteak daramatzate protestan, AEBetako estatu horretatik Illinoiseraino eraikitzen ari diren Dakota Access petrolio-hodiaren kontra. Protesten eraginez, proiektua bukatzeko baimena ukatu dute igandean ingeniariek, The Guardian-en... [+]
AEB osotik bildu dira hilabeteotan aktibistak Ipar Dakotako Standing Rockera, indioen erreserba zeharkatzen duen petrolio-hodiaren lanak gelditu nahian, Jatorrizko Amerikarren 300 tribuk sustatuta. 400 ekintzailez goiti atxilotu ditu poliziak udaz geroztik, horietatik 142... [+]
Dakota Access oliobidearen kontrako protesten inguruan informatu ostean, akusatuta zegoen Amy Goodman kazetaria, istiluetan parte hartu izana egotzita.