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106 Basque researchers worked on Tuesday in Basque

  • Today we start by congratulating. Congratulations to all the researchers who were playing their Basque research on Tuesday! 106 shares, of greater interest.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

24 November 2022 - 09:57

We summarize the dates in the following data:

  • The field of knowledge of theses has been wide. Among others: Memory, Sociolinguistics, Ecology, Economy, Communication, Journalism, Biomedicine, Polymers, Health, Art, Climate, Business, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Engineering, Chemistry, Education, Linguistics, Law, Genetics, Cinema...
  • 90% of participants have been new to the competition.
  • The overall trend of Umap throughout the day was the hashtag #txiotesia6.


The participation of the researchers is gathered in the space #txiotesia6 of the section "Txiotesia".

Resolution and award ceremony:

The winners will be selected by the jury and announced at the award ceremony on 1 December. The festival will take place in Eibar, in the Markeskoa Palace, from 18 am onwards, and will feature the presence of young researcher Aitor Cevidanes "Euskera in the mind and in the world of research. The expertise of a Basque scientist". Plus, prizes, I've been tempting ... If you would like to attend

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