In the letter sent to Infantino, footballers say that Aramco "has no right to protect the king from sport," insofar as Saudi Arabia "criminalizes LGBTQ+ people and systematically tramples women." USA, England, Italy, Germany, Australia or the Netherlands, including Elena Linari, Jessie Fleming and Doris Bacic, captains of the selections of Italy, Canada and Croatia, respectively. The letter was signed by the only player in League F, Finnish Sanni Franssi, of the Real Sociedad.
Under an agreement with FIFA, Aramco will sponsor the 2026 Men’s and Women’s World Championships. According to players, "it would be a blow to women's football, which would weaken the work of decades of amateurs and players from all over the world." In his words, the deal is "worse" for football than putting a Goal in its own door: "Our work as a professional player has been a dream for us, and it's a dream for the girls that are going to be players in the future. [From FIFA] we deserve something much better than the agreement signed with that sponsor." Thus, they have asked the federation to reconsider the protectorate and look for alternatives more aligned with gender equality, human rights and a "secure" future of the planet. To this end, they have proposed the creation of a committee in which players and players are also represented and are responsible for assessing the "ethical implications" of future support agreements.
FIFA has shown on several occasions that it will hardly break its agreement with a company such as Aramco. As with the other sponsors, the signing of the contract with Aramco has already been evaluated by the relevant committee. It has also added that the money raised by sponsorships is used to strengthen projects such as women’s sport. However, it is important to denounce from time to time the attitude of the federation, even more so when it comes to football players.
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