Anarchist Alfredo Cospito is a prisoner in Sassari prison, Sardinia. More than three months ago, on 20 October last year, he began a hunger strike to protest the isolation regime they have established. Admitted in May last year in 41-bis of Italy, similar to the so-called FIES regime in the Spanish state, he has since lived in a "prison inside the prison". They only let you be outdoors two hours a day, they have almost banned you from external contact (you can only have one visit per month and a large glass separately) and they carry out systematic seizures. These are some of the conditions attached to the 41-bis regime.
Cospito had been in isolation for about seven months when he started a hunger strike and has already reached 102 days fasting. He's lost 40 kilos and he lacks electrolytes in his blood. If the number of electrolytes continues to decrease, it can affect vital organs.
On Saturday night in Rome there were protests for solidarity and denunciation of Cospito. Police forces arrested 40 protesters.
The anarchist was imprisoned in 2014 accusing him of participating in an act in 2006. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Born 7 November 1924. A group of anarchists broke into Bera this morning to protest against the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and to begin the revolution in the Spanish state.
Last October, the composition of the Central Board was announced between the displaced from Spain... [+]
Henry D. Thoreau ::Desobedientzia zibila
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Krimea, 1855 inguruan. Anna Moiseevna Rozenstejn –gerora Anna Kulishova izenez ezaguna– jaio zen, merkatari judutar familia aberats batean. Turinen tesia prestatzen ari zela sukar puerperalaren jatorri bakterianoa frogatu zuen. Anna Kulishovaren aurkikuntzak bizia... [+]