The Errobi River has returned to an acceptable level, but the situation of the Urdazuri River is very complicated from the Basque College, which only supplies San Juan de Luz. Ziburu is powered by the Xoldokogain reservoir in Urruña and Azkaine by the Errobi River. They have explained this in Kazeta.
They regard the situation as worrying and call for a crisis meeting on 27 September. If sufficient water is not available for proper treatment, the College shall make drinking water bottles available to citizens.
Andeetako Altiplanoan, qocha deituriko aintzirak sortzen hasi dira inken antzinako teknikak erabilita, aldaketa klimatikoari eta sikateei aurre egiteko. Ura “erein eta uztatzea” esaten diote: ura lurrean infiltratzen da eta horrek bizia ekartzen dio inguruari. Peruko... [+]