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Got 1,000 signatures in Arrangoitze to remove a 5G antenna

  • They report that the antenna causes health uncertainty, as they say no research shows that electromagnetic waves are harmless.

11 July 2023 - 10:59
Last updated: 13:01
Arrangoitzeko (Lapurdiko) 5G antena-errepikatzailea / Argazkia: kazeta Arrangoitzeko (Lapurdiko) 5G antena-errepikatzailea / Argazkia: kazeta

1,000 signatures have been obtained to request the withdrawal of the 5G antenna repeater installed in Arrangoitz (Lapurdi). According to information gathered by the press, on 8 June began the installation of a 38-meter antenna, and the public reported that it had been “surprised”.

In the face of the anger of the population, Philippe Echevarria starts a process of desidification. He says that to remove the antenna repeater the operator should “resort to the decision”.

Among other things, they note that “it causes aesthetic damage” and that by building less than 300 meters of households, it causes health inactivity. They stress that there are no studies showing that electromagnetic waves are harmless.

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