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The gaztetxe of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the radio Hala Bedi, the fronton Auzolana and the space Sumendi will claim 100 years of running this year

  • 100 years, it's just not possible! They present a dynamic to “give strength” to struggles based on occupation, self-management and employment. In the coming months, various initiatives will be carried out which will end on 21 October in the street.
Argazkia: 100 urte, bakarrik ezin da! dinamika

31 March 2023 - 06:50

“To celebrate that we are still alive and eager to continue giving reed,” they explained at a press conference on Thursday, and “to give strength to the ideas and ways of working that have united us throughout these years”. They include assembly, self-management and occupation. A kalejira was already organized in the Carnival, and it was announced that there will be more initiatives for the children’s audience. The closure will be on October 21: “That day we will return to the street and we will reclaim and defend the Vitoria that we have been building for over 100 years.”

The organization has used the metaphor of a table game to explain the dynamics and enumerate the history and contributions of each space. They recall that Hala Bedi Irratia was born in 1983 (this year he is 40) and has become “speaker of those who have no voice” in the face of “censorship, repression and legality”. The bishop’s garage, which occupied the Gaztetxe in 1988 (this year celebrates its 35th anniversary), has brought to school, among other things, the “good battle” won by the Vitorian popular movement Alfonso Alonso, who wanted to match the gaztetxe with the land. Residents occupied the Auzolana fronton in 2008 (this year 15 years), “adapting it to the needs and desires of the Casco Viejo”. The pediment has also had to win in order to continue a fight: against the government of the nationalist mayor Gorka Uraran, when he wanted to implement the construction project of the Teatro Vitoria. In Errekaleor they began in 2013, when they were 10 years old, “revitalizing a dying neighborhood” and praised how the neighborhood turned around the court of light of “Iberdrola and Uraran Karapan”, developing “energy and food sovereignty”. The Sumendi area of the Judimendi district was the last to be born, in 2016, seven years “rejuvenating an increasingly aged neighborhood” and have recalled the work done against gambling halls.

100 more years

“Let us continue, therefore, to promote self-management for more than 100 years, to promote the self-organisation of citizens, to keep our eyes on the regulators we do not like, creating new projects, building and defending popular power. We also develop strong and sincere ties between the citizens, only in that way will we win the enemy party together and not separately. Join the game! 100 years, you just can't!", you're done pacting.


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