We all knew it was a lie. After support for Ukraine there were no moral reasons, there was no will to defend human rights, international law or democracy. For years the West looked away when Kiev bombed the people of Donbass or persecuted political opponents. With regard to international law, NATO has a long list of breakdowns of international Russian law in Ukraine. It was also not a question of democracy, Ukraine was not so classified in various indexes that make measurements, and it was not surprising, if we take into account that before the Russian invasion in the country the extreme right was violated, that the opposition leader (“Russian”) was detained at home, that the second opposition leader (nationalist Ukrainian) was being prosecuted by the media and that President Zelenski.
Behind there were geopolitical reasons. Washington uses the Ukrainian army to wage war on Russia. The Anglo-Saxon axis is committed to this: All the peace agreements that have existed since 2014 have been blocked or boycotted by London and Washington. Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary, explained that in order to stop the Russian invasion, it would be enough to sign a document in which NATO relinquished its expansion, but did not sign it, and now, when Kiev has been given the status quo, the West says that the time has come to negotiate peace. It is difficult to understand how they are going to explain to the Ukrainian people that they are going to have a territory far below what the peace agreements in Minsk envisaged that their authorities and NATO did not want to deliver, in exchange for many blood and devastation. However, some are pleased that they have partially weakened Russia and strengthened extreme Ukrainian nationalism and NATO’s hobby.
For Israel there are no penalties, no seizure of its financial assets abroad (on the contrary, it is given economic and military support)
In any event, the conflict in Ukraine has moved to the background and the Palestinian conflict, which has brought all the Western double standards to the table, has resurfaced with force. Israel once again demonstrates its true nature: Mixture of 20th century South African apartheid with 19th century colonialism. We know he is a champion transgressing international law, but this time he has gone further: In the 21st century, Israel is carrying out at the tip of our nose a macro ethnic washing and direct genocide with the explicit or implicit support of the Western political elites.
For a few weeks Israel’s attacks have exceeded the civilian death toll in nearly ten years of the Ukrainian war. Moreover, in Ukraine the number of civilian deaths per side is approximately similar, while in Palestine the Arab deaths are at least fifteen times more than the Israelis. The cruelty and destruction of Gaza have broken all brands. Israel has killed over 100 United Nations workers, over 50 journalists and thousands of children. For Israel, however, there are no penalties, their financial assets are not seized abroad (on the contrary, they are given economic and military support), they are not expelled from international sports competitions, they are not harassed by their artists and, of course, the International Criminal Court will not persecute Israel, as the USA does not pursue. Meanwhile, the West is justifying the unjustifiable in the name of the fight against terrorism (sic), forgetting that this armed fact is the result of occupation, colonization and apartheid.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak iritzia@argia.eus helbide elektronikora
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