Schools which teach in Basque request more teachers from the French Education Ministry
  • Thousands of people came together at Herri Urrats (The People's Steps), the festivity which Basque schools (ikastolas) in the northern Basque Country hold every year. Seaska ikastola federation's request to the French government for more teachers was the main subject of conversation this year.
Miren Osa Galdona @Mirentx_U 2018ko maiatzaren 18a
(Photo: @IurreBidegain)

There was a great atmosphere at Senpere lake, Lapurdi, on 13th March. Although the weather was not good at first, the sun came out later in the day. As a result of the increase ase in the number of pupils at northern Basque Country ikastolas over recent years, SEASKA has asked the French Government to allow it to employ 25 more teachers. However, until now they have only been allowed to take on four more teachers. There was a demonstration held on 5th March at Baiona to request more teachers for Basque schools.

Seaska's chairperson, Paxkal Indo, explained that four more teachers are far from enough to deal with their needs: "We need 25 more teachers to avoid having more than forty pupils in each class, and for children with disabilities to be to study in dignified conditions." Pierre Barriere, the French Academy's Inspector, has emphasised the need to focus on teacher training, saying that training, too, is a challenge to be met.

At the festivity in favour of ikastolas, Indo asked northern Basque Country politicians to help. Hei announced that Seaska had sent a motion to each town hall for it to be debated and passed.

Jean Rene Etxegarai, do Colexio Vasco the president of the Basque Institution for the northern Basque Country) expressed his concern at the French Academy's attitude – it is responsible for regulating languages and protecting Ch – and said that the future of Basque was risk.


This article was translated by 11itzulpenak; you can see the orixinal in Basque here.