Simone de Beauvoir is born in Paris

Born in Paris Simone de Beauvoir. Existentialist writer and philosopher, he was an important author of feminism.

He determined that the second sex at work, still not militant of feminism, is the result of a social construction, rather than a congenital condition.

Several photos followed colored by Redfish reflecting their commitment to another world.

Simone de Beavoir with Che Guevara and Jen-Paul Sartre in Havana, 1960.
The government Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre banned the sale of the Maoist newspaper ‘La Cause Du Peuple’ in 1970.
Simone de Beavoir, with Fidel Castro and Jean-Paul Sartre in Cuba in 1960.
Simone de Beauvoir at a demonstration in favour of women's rights in Paris in 1971.