King Henry II of Navarra fled prison in Pavia, Italy

King Henry II of Navarra fled prison in Pavia, Italy. At night he came out of a hole in the ceiling of his room and managed to meet his men who waited outside by a ladder handed over by a purchased guard. After the failures of Noáin (1521) and Amaiur (1522), the Castilians had completely conquered the Upper Navarre, but maintained the lands that still remained north of the Pyrenees and the Lower Navarre. Along with his ally, French King Francisco I.arekin, participated in the Italian war against the Spanish German army of Emperor Charles V, Hernike II.ak, but lost and imprisoned by both kings. It was a tough blow to try to recover the sovereign Navarra.

Joseba Asiron and Martín Altzueta, 50 key dates of the conquest of Navarra (1512-1525) (Txalaparta).